Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Build a Niche Store Review - Training for Newbies!

If you are into affiliate marketing than you should read this build a niche store review. Even if you are new to affiliate marketing you can get a training from start to finish what is required to set up that store in 10 days or less. So here is how it works...

For any affiliate marketer, these sites are a blessing but they do require some work. You can build as many sites as you can with this software so the overall cost of the business is very low. After initial investment for the software, you only need about $50 per month on average. But, having said this, there are some people who are not very successful and here is why.

Number one Newbie Mistake! Selecting too general of a niche...First you need to understand the niche market. The Niche Market is not cellular phones. The niche market is Nokia Cellular phones. The Niche Market is not Jeans, but Levis Jeans. To really make these sites profitable, you have to narrow down your niche market.

Besides the research of the market, you have to research your keywords very well in order to make those sites successful. Because if you pick too generic of a keyword, there is a good change you may not make that site successful. But even with some generic searches you will make some sales.

Build a niche store can be used for newbies, but the only downside is that you really have to learn how to put it all together including the marketing. You also do need to have some basic knowledge of uploading your file to the hosting company and pointing your domain in the right direction. But other than that, you do not need to know anything about website building. The software does it for you and as long as you follow the manual, you will build that first site.

Build a Niche store has a forum that is free to members, and it has a lot of information in it. It is very important to take it one step at the time and first do everything outlined in the manual before you move onto customizing your store.

As mentioned before, there is a free training for newbies that walks them through understanding of the affiliate marketing to free resources they can use to find keywords and research that niche market. This is probably the most important aspect of build a niche store software. I believe that anyone who has about 20 hours a week to spend on this will get the initial investment back in 30 days or less, but only if done right!

My road to success was very expensive. Trial and error = loss of a lot of money. I did not know about a lot of free resources. I wowed to change that once I started seeing my success.

The Top Ten SEO Techniques and Page Design Elements That Will Get You Blacklisted From Google

The biggest search engine of them all is without a doubt Google. What they say goes, and most website owners just have to put up with it. It is always good to know what SEO techniques that Google will allow, but most of all, what they will not allow. They can blacklist your site for as long as they want, and you will never be able to get a high ranking again if you cross them once.

Knowing how important a great ranking is for your web site or blog site, here is a list of six SEO techniques you SHOULD NOT do for any reason:

Google considers "burying" text in your HTML code hides the text from their spiders that are trying to detect all of your relevant content. They feel this is manipulating their search engines and they don't like that one bit.

A good rule of thumb regarding this issue is never to link to a "link farm" or a "Free for ALL" link page. These websites deal in every under-handed cheap trick they can find to bypass Google's strict submission rules, thereby bringing every other website linked to them down in the gutter. Make sure that all of your links lead Google and your site visitors to reputable pages at all times.

This also includes using ethnic slurs of all types, as Google really looks down on racist sites that result in hate crimes or other controversial events.

Google really hates when you have to pay another site just to link with yours. If your site is worthy of being included in Google's main pages, why on earth would you have to buy a link? It does not make much sense from a business standpoint either, because you should put your promotion budget somewhere else entirely.

When you present one web page to your readers and another page just for the spiders from Google to search for relevant keywords, this is known as "cloaking". If an SEO specialist says it's OK to do it his way, tell him firmly "No way!" and go with another SEO company that is more reputable.

You say that this is not your fault, but in a way it is. You cannot afford any down time as far as your main web pages are concerned, because that eats into your profits on a weekly basis if it happens too much. So always find the best server possible for your site, no matter the cost. And when Google sends out their spiders to your main pages for ranking purposes it is a HUGE error if your server is down and Google comes back with an error message. Big problem time!

Your website must have a least one back link coming in from a reputable website for Google to recognize you as worth their time. So before you submit your web pages, make sure you link to somebody first.

I went over this is another recent article, but it is a very important technique to remember to avoid. If Google thinks your pages are filled with certain keywords that you have included over 10% in the content's overall body, you will be heavily penalized by Google for keyword stuffing that will be hard for your site to recover from.

If somebody has reported your site as having stolen their exact wording on content pages, or have accused your website of stealing images and graphics from their own pages, Google will come after you and make sure that you eliminate the text and images from your site immediately. But just to make sure that Google never has to do this, ALWAYS refrain from plagiarizing anybody else's website for any reason whatsoever.

If you really want to make your visitors pay attention to your main page, just get creative with an animated logo or put some very nice HTML coding on your front page for some really nice graphics. In other words, use every other "flashy" technique to get a web surfers attention except for using a flash page. Google's spiders cannot read the text in a flash page, so Google thinks that you are manipulating that page for their search engine rankings.

Stay away from all of these SEO techniques and page re-designs and you should be OK in climbing up the much-coveted rankings of Google's main category web page.

Rob Mead has written many articles about internet marketing and how to create and find great website content that will increase your web site's traffic overnight. Go to http://www.perfectwebcontent.com and you will be able to use all of the web site's resources and articles in your quest for internet success.

Top 3 Keyword Research Tips Take Keyword Research to the Next Level

Keyword research is one of the first steps in picking out a product to promote, trying to discover a profitable niche without a ridiculous amount of competition or creating products to fit targeted keywords. If keyword research is not conducted in depth or properly it will greatly scathe the potential of your website or revenue potential of a selected affiliate product. The following tip list will guide you towards conducting professional keyword research with little effort.

Tip #1: Utilize Keyword Tools There are dozens of keyword tools out on the market from Overture (rumors are that overture was decommissioned) to Wordtracker and hundreds of others that draw data from Overture (http://inventory.overture.com). The keyword I suggest using is AdWords Analyzer if you are extremely serious about your ventures or for a free tool Good Keywords.

Tip #2: Target Keyword Phrases The top mistake researchers make is trying to target towards the keyword with the most searches in their list, which is most likely an extremely broad keyword or two. The problem with that is that the broad word(s) likely have a ridiculous amount of competition that would again hurt the potential of your website. It is smart to narrow down to exact phrases that tightly target your ideal customer. For example, lets say you are selling an e-Book you wrote on vegetarian cooking for single moms or something else highly targeted. It would be a mistake to target the keywords cooking or vegetarian cooking as your primary keyword focus. Get as specific as possible by targeting the most specific keyword phrases you can, even if that phrase doesnt get a few hundred thousand searches a month when a user does search for your phrase you bet if your site is on page one they will visit almost ready to buy.

Tip #3: Optimize Your Website with Your Researched Phrase Now that you have discovered your specific keyword phrases you need to implement them in your website so search engines are aware that your site is related to the subsequent keyword phrase. Make sure to include your primary keyword in your keyword meta tag in your html header, page title and to include it in 4-7% of your websites content meaning that it should show up in articles or other writings within your site. Aside from your primary keyword phrase make sure to include a variation and a secondary specific phrase after that you may want to include broad keywords at the end of meta tags just incase your site takes off and you have a shot at beating stiff competition.

To discover all the ins-and-outs of keyword research, optimizing your website for search engines and other internet marketing techniques check out http://www.seofornoobs.com for the information located there is assembled and revealed by the internet marketing and seo whiz kid.

Heather's Tips for Optimizing Your Web Site's Positioning

Heather Lloyd-Martin's presentation about successful search engine copywriting was held on the second day of the 2006 Search Engine Strategies conference in New York.

By then I had concluded that I would focus my comments (in all my stories) on the needs of mainstream established companies-since those are the people I know the most about.

We have many many articles written for others, such as Internet entrepreneurs, in the Selected Newsletter Articles section of our web site.

Therefore, I listened to what Heather and all the other presenters had to say from the perspective of those folks primarily involved in a traditional Main Street businesses with an Internet component.

What I found most refreshing was that her ideas "just made sense". No rocket-science required. And since I had heard her in 2001, we had already taken advantage of some of them and know they work.

Heather's Tip No. 1: Brainstorm keyword phrases.
This is important since the specific words and phrases that most accurately identify your products or services are likely to be different from the generic ones your web site designer would use. Who knows more about your products, your business, and your customers than you (and your staff)or your web site designer?

Plus, as search engines become increasingly sophisticated, more complex descriptions are possible to connect you with more targeted searchers. The closer you connect with your prospect at this point the more likely what you actually have to offer will match with what they are specifically searching for. Time spent here is time well invested.

Heather's Tip No. 2: Research your key phrases using trusted research tools.
Naturally this assumes that you actually take this important step. For me this has always been a stumbling block - costing me rankings, I'm sure.

In the past I assumed that I knew what keyword phrases people are using, instinctively without testing to be sure. The result was time, energy, and money spent to optimize keyword phrases that were "just slightly wrong", shooting myself in the foot before I got started.

Actually, it was after hearing Heather in 2001 that I began to see the light and use search tools such as Wordtracker (www.WordTracker.com) and now the Google AdWords keyword selection tool before optimizing the page.

Heather's Tip No. 3: Choose two or three key phrases their highly specific to each page.
After hearing this tip (again) we made some simple changes that, within two weeks, made a dramatic difference in the traffic on our web site. We had 200 pages of what had originally been an ebook. Each page had identical meta tags and other code.

By going back and optimizing each page around the specific keyphrases already on them the search engines are now seeing them individually. The result is that each page is, to a greater or lesser degree, generating new search traffic.

Heather's Tip No. 4: Include key phrases throughout your text, not just in the first couple of paragraphs.
Everyone "knows" that the search engine spiders enter your page from the top. Conventional wisdom was to put your keywords and keyphrases toward the top of your page. The result may have made your page look good to the spiders but not to the actual people who you want to be reading it. Now that we know that spiders zip through our entire site we have the freedom to insert the phrases where they fit best, where they make the most sense, and where they enhance the readability of our web site.

Heather's Tip No. 5: Include key phrases in your headlines and some headlines.
In some ways spiders are like humans. What gets emphasized attracts their attention. Headlines, sub-headlines, and bold faced type are considered to be more important by the spiders in the same way that they are considered to be more important when an actual person reads the contact.

When we made the changes on our web site based on Heather's comments, it was the new title tags and the new content specific headlines on each page that made all the difference. These new headlines and new title tags attracted the spiders perhaps for the first time in a long time and when they saw how the individual tags connected to the page's content they took them more seriously than before. This was a simple, although time consuming, process and immediately we began to see traffic to pages that never even shown up before.

Heather's Tip No. 6: Include key phrases in and around your hyperlinks.
By now everyone knows about Google's pagerank system. In a nutshell it means that the search engines are now giving us "credit" for inbound links. They have a complex and unknowable process for weighting them based on the value of the web site from whom we are linked as well.

In addition, when the links themselves are contextual, rather than just the base URL more weight is added. When there is an interest from a trade association or other reputable source to link to our web site, we encourage them to use the contextual link, in order to maximize the benefit of the link they create.

Heather's Tip No. 7: Include least to 250 words per page.
As I said earlier, the longer keyword search phrases being used make it more likely that the searcher reaches the specific products on your web site that they're looking for, if you have enough content in which to place this keyword phrases.

Again using our recent experience, pages with an average of 600 words (this one has 1,250), are being greedily consumed by the search engine spiders. I don't actually know how many people are searching our content but I'm confident that those who do so are doing it based on a large body of relevant material. What I do know is that inquiries are getting more relevant all the time - which is better for us and the searcher.

Heather's Tip No. 8: Include keyphrases in your title (the blue bar above every web page).
I'm no expert but like I said before this just makes sense. I remember a time, back before I heard Heather in 2001, that all of all our pages said "iBizResources.com" across the top. Until then I had no idea what we were missing. Now all of them identify the content on that particular page and is directly related to the keyphrases included in the page or articles headline. Simple but powerful.

Heather's Tip No. 9: Never sacrifice your conversion goals for search engine positioning.
For me and for you she saved the best for last. The reason we have our web site is to provide relevant, actionable, and transferable strategies from office and our contributors to you. The copywriting is for people like to, not search engine spiders.

Nevertheless we have to recognize their importance. It is up to them to put our content in front of you - so we have to balance the two. As a business person your objective is to expand your reach beyond your normal marketing area, to increase your market share and to increase the value of every contact. That's why you head of a web site.

So, when you are taking advantage of Heather's tips tools and strategy don't forget it's the people that write the checks not the search engine spiders.

Wayne Messick at http://www.iBizResources.com. He is the author of dozens of articles for mainstream businesses & Publisher of "Doing It Right" realizing your company's potential. His search engine strategies series can be found at http://www.ibizresources.com/seo_articles/.

Profitable Article Marketing - 4 Persuasive Methods to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is the most powerful promotional method these days. Ensuring your success in this technique can bring you enormous benefits. From increased page views to higher page ranking and from improved sales potential to higher online revenue. So how can you be sure that you can succeed in this method?

1. Start with a good title. One of the very first things that you need to ensure in this technique is to obtain impressive click through rate. You need to craft a mechanism that can potentially entice your target audience to open and read your articles. One of the best ways to do that is by giving your articles attention-grabbing headlines. So what are the elements that make a title truly impressive? It must be direct to the point, well-written, and it must communicate the benefits that your article content can offer.

2. Content. This is what will ultimately make or break your article marketing campaign. It is not enough that you grab the attention of your readers through your titles, but you must also hold that attention by giving them content that is truly useful and informative. Make your articles content-rich, easy to understand, and direct to the point.

3. Promote your products and services. Write about topics that are closely related to what you offer so you can easily advertise them on your resource box. It will not make sense if you write about acne when you are offering computers and other gadgets, right? Besides, that will not help you in anyway establish yourself as an expert on your field.

4. Use compelling resource box. Learn how to drive online users to your website through the use of your resource box. Use powerful words or persuasive phrases that can easily move your readers to click on your website's URL.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Internet Marketing Advanced Strategies - There Are Only 3 Ways To Make More Money!

To make more money on the Internet, you only need to follow three simple steps. If you do this, you will make more money, there is no doubt about it.

I've read countless books and articles during my last two years on the Internet searching for a way to make more money, and the results of my research is the following.

In Internet marketing, the more you do doesn't necessarily mean the more money you will make. You need to use synergy to make more money.

Believe me, it's not obvious. It took me two full yeas to understand that simple thing.

Do you want to know what these three steps are?

1. Increase your market rich

This is the most simple way to make more money. All you need to do is finding more customers. You may want to add a new traffic generation method to your arsenal.

You need to find more potential customers. This is what everybody try to do first. And it also one of the first reason people fail online. I talk more about this in my advanced series.

2. Increase your lead conversion

This is a little bit harder to achieve. Once you found your potential clients, you need to convert more of them into customers. And this where people fail to make a full time income online.

You need to test and track everything.

3. Increase the lifetime value of your customers

You need to get your paying customers to buy more of your products. Many people make the mistake of selling only one product to their buyers. This is why less than 5% of the Internet marketing community make a living online.

It's amazing to see that most of the Internet marketers don't even know the meaning of lifetime value.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

3 Steps To Article Marketing Success

With the high cost of advertising especially Google Adwords and ezine advertising article marketing has become a very important aspect of driving traffic to your web site. It allows anybody to start a home based business even if you do not have much money initially to invest in advertising.

In this article I am going to go through the 3 things that you need to do to ensure that you succeed with article marketing.

1) Use the AIDA formula for writing articles

You need to use the Attention, Interest, Desire and Action formula for writing articles that pull results. You need a headline that grabs attention. An opening paragraph that will grab the reader's interest. You need to highlight a problem in your body so that you will create desire for your reader to purchase your product and solve their problem. Finally, you need to have a conclusion that will get your reader to take action.

2) Build an opt in list

I am sure that you must have heard this statement over and over again. You need to have an opt in list to be successful. I am sure that if you look at any successful internet marketer you will see that they have a big opt in list that they can market to over and over again. What you need to do is you need to have a link to your squeeze page in your bio. This will allow your prospect to download a free report in exchange for their name and email address.

3) Preload your autoresponder with proven emails

Once you start building your opt in list you need to be able to monetize it. You need to be able to write emails with effective copy that convert into sales. Some key points is that you need to have an interesting subject line that will actually get opened. Only promote one offer in your email. If you have many different links it is unlikely that your prospect will click on them. Your primary objective in your email is not to sell to your subscriber, but to get them to click on your link and go to the sales page which will do the job of selling.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Lethal Traps of Poor Article Marketing

As you write articles to use for marketing purposes, you will be able to write quicker and with greater efficiency over time. With that speed and efficiency comes toxic traps that you must be aware of.

These are the pitfalls of poor article marketing:

  • Not being consistent. Article writing and marketing is fun in the beginning. But when the new wears off and writing articles on a regular basis becomes hum-drum, you may start to slack off on writing and submitting. Don't fall into this trap!
TIP: Set a doable goal to write and submit a specific amount of articles each week.

  • Poorly written content. It's easy to get in such a rush to write articles that you stop concentrating on the quality of your articles. Don't fall into this trap!
TIP: Remember that real people with real questions and concerns will be reading your articles.

  • Ignoring basic writing "rules." We all hate rules, but they're simply a fact of life. It behooves every writer to remember the basic rules of writing (proper grammar, perfect spelling, etc.) and apply them to each article.
TIP: When your eyes get tired, hire a professional proofreader/editor to go through your articles with a fine-toothed comb.

  • Writing in inconsistent tones. Every writer has a unique voice. If you are writing with different markets in mind, you might find yourself trying to write in different tones. Be careful that you don't dilute the message of the article by writing in these different voices.
TIP: Stay true to your writing voice and write like you talk.

  • Giving little or no valuable information inside the article. Every time you sit down to write an article, ask yourself, "What is the meat of this article?" Then write your article based on that answer.
TIP: Every article should have at least one complete, or main, idea.

  • No call to action in the resource box. If you are writing articles for the purpose of marketing, then you are wasting your time if you don't compel your readers to do something at the end of the article. Give them a reason to click on your link.
TIP: Take the reader by the hand and lead them; tell them exactly what to do.

By the way, you can make money by writing articles just like this. I'm doing it right now by following these methods: http://www.cashfromarticles.hopewrites.com/

Bulletproof Article Marketing Strategies That Will Demolish Your Competition

Let me ask you a very important question. Are you getting the results that you want from your article marketing? I remember when I first started out I simply was not getting the results that I wanted.

Here are some top reasons that you may want to improve your article marketing efforts. This is one of the very best ways that you can promote your website. It is free and the quality of the leads that you generate cannot be matched by any other advertising medium.

If you have tried other forms of advertising like ppc or classified advertising you will notice a significant difference in the quality of the leads that you generate. In fact if you can't sell your product using article marketing leads then you seriously need to look at your website as it will not convert any of of the traffic that you send to it in sales.

In this article I would like to go over some tips that will significantly boost your results.

It really is important to have a killer headline. Based on my own testing my results tripled by having a powerful headline. Very few people will actually read your article if you do not catch their attention.

Write a quality article that will help your reader. If you give first and help them they will be more likely to join your newsletter and buy your product. People are tired of blatantly being sold.

Finally, use a resource box that will send your reader to a squeeze page where you can capture their name and email address.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Outsoure To The Philippines - Where Every Dollar Counts

IT outsourcing to the Philippines by companies like AoV Outsourcing service, PI Outsource, AJK Consulting, MicroSourcing and numerous other BPO and KPO companies has been on the stream of economic issues not only in the country but mainly in the United States as well. It is undeniably the factor that steers the growth of our economy. Apparently, there is no standard legitimate definition for outsource to the Philippines. But generally, outsourcing is the transfer of fractions of work to an outside service provider or suppliers to reduce the cost of expenses. This often result to more business opportunity for companies. It has been continuously booming for the past years since the labour of our workers here are considerably cheaper than the services offered elsewhere.

Since 2000, IT outsource to the Philippines have sprouted like mushrooms throughout major Philippine cities, including Iloilo's AoV Outsourcing service, Manila's Archangles IT, Clark's (the former US military base in Pampanga province) RCG-IT, Cebu's PODD Corp., Dumaguete' SPI and Davao's BHI Pro, catering largely to US firms seeking cheap labor to handle so-called "cyberservices", including customer care, back-office processing, data transcription and other information-technology-related services.

The focus of IT outsourcing to the Philippines is to provide both your customers and the search engines with what they seeking, highly accessible information. The main 3 search engines, Google, Yahoo and MSN, are constantly refining and altering the algorithms that drive their engines to produce the most relevant and useful results.

The Philippine Cyberservices Corridor is a plan that is being pursued by the government of the Philippines to create interconnected centers of technology-related services, that are spread out all over the country. Services include IT outsourcing to the Philippines, medical transcription, and the like. It is part of the ten-point agenda of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and is one of the five "super-regions" outlined in her 2006 State of the Nation Address.

In 2005, the country employed about 100,000 BPO/KPO and customer care agents, with employment growing yearly. This growth is expected to accelerate by the completion of the corridor. It is estimated that 200,000 people are working in 120 BPO in the Philippines in 2006, and expected to bring in revenues of US$3.8 billion for the year. Overall, Philippine BPO is forecasted to earn US$13 billion for the year 2010.

Paul Jyron D. Andonaque does link building for AoV Philippines Outsourcing and currently undergoing extensive SEO training under Chris Sandberg. He has been on with his career as a link builder and a webmaster for almost a year yielding satisfactory results for Outsource to the Philippines AoV.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Latest 4 Popular Methods to Excel with Article Marketing

Article marketing has always been used by webmasters for quite sometime and it has remained to be one of the most effective marketing techniques in the internet today. Experts agree that among other traffic-generating strategies, article marketing is one method that is easy to implement, easy to maintain, yet constantly brings impressive results for both webmasters and blog owners.

Here are the latest 4 popular methods to keep in mind in order to excel with articles marketing:

1. Write for your readers. Always keep your potential readers in mind when writing your articles. Consider their needs, wants, preferred writing style, age, profession, level of comprehension, etc. This information can greatly guide you in choosing the information to present, the way to communicate them, and ultimately to better connect to your readers.

2. Write for search engines. Make your articles search engine-friendly so they can be properly indexed. Aside from using keywords and keyphrases all throughout your content, you must also be familiar in using title tags, Meta tags, and anchor texts for link building purposes. In addition, you must also be aware about appropriate keyword density based on the word count of your articles to avoid keyword abuse.

3. Write for article submission sites. Follow the rules set forth by publishers to make sure that your articles will not be rejected. Keep your articles informative, content-rich, and use just the right amount of keywords.

4. Write for your business. Your goal in utilizing article marketing is to ultimately increase your sales potential and profits. Write about topics that are closely related to your products and services so you can subtly promote them to your readers. Also, make your resource box compelling so you can effectively move readers to visit your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How to Make Money From Bum Marketing

It is not difficult to make money from bum marketing once you know what it is. It is a new term that is said to have originated from somebody claiming that even a penniless bum could make money using it. I wish that were true, because I would immediately go on the road for a while and then try to use bum marketing to make money. However, it is just somebody trying to be different and use a new name for an old technique.

In fact, it is another name for article marketing. What the theory states is that even a bum must know something about something; at least enough to start up a website. Fill the site with content on your niche, based on a few good keywords, and then write a few articles to drive traffic to the site. In fact, all of that is quite possible, and is the way that many people have made their fortunes in internet marketing.

The key is getting a good niche, and getting good keywords around which to build your web pages. There is plenty software around to allow you to do that, and once you have a few pages on your website with reasonable content, you can start marketing it and then monetize it. You might think that is the wrong way round, and it should be monetized first, but that would be a mistake. First, start advertising your website for the content it contains. You can put products on the site later.

You will ultimately do better that way than if you jump right in with a website full of products. Provide good and useful content, and add the products later. Now comes the bum part. The crux of bum marketing is writing articles. If you write two or three articles every week on the subject of your website then you will get traffic, and you will get valuable links back to your web pages from highly ranked pages. The traffic and the links are important.

After a week or so check your listing in Google. If you are listed at all, it doesn't matter where, than start to add products to your website. Keep writing articles, but lead your readers to the content pages on your website rather to the product pages. Your visitors will get to the products themselves when they are ready to purchase, so don't force them. You can lead them to any page you want by using links in your Author's Resource box that most article directories allow. Those that don't provide an actual box allow you to add the links at the end of the article.

The links you provide should direct the reader to a page on your website that provides more information on the subject of the article they have just been reading. That means 'more information. And not the same information. You have to expand on what information your article provided, and then provide link on your web page to a product or sales page.

That is the theory. For most, however, it does not work like that. They are unfamiliar with the technique needed to write a good article, and to make people want to click through to their website. Article writing is actually a skill, and it is little wonder that so many are being refused by the directories. Many lack even basic grammar, let alone an obvious lack of knowledge about how spell checkers work. So here are some tips on how to make bum marketing work for you.

First, get a good niche. Make it something you really know something about. Most people know about something, and you will be surprised at the type of niches from which people make money. Arts and crafts, knitting, quilting, oral hygiene, how to get a date, how to play football, losing weight, putting on weight, lighthouses, pirates and cheating at video games. Anything goes: people make money from anything and everything.

Secondly, get a good web host, not a cheapo. Get one that gives you autoresponders and email addresses, subdomains, and a checkout and payment system and traffic analysis. Pay about $25 monthly if you can afford it. Then design you site well, so that it will get listed by the search engines. Write each page based on one keyword phrase.

Then write articles. Spell check often, and use a grammar checker if you have one. Get somebody else to read it over - but somebody that is a good English speaker. Let them fix any mistakes in spelling and grammar then submit the article to as many directories as possible. Wait a day or two then put your products on your website.

The write another few articles, each one based on a different page of your website. Submit them to article directories and keep doing this. You should soon notice a difference in your traffic, and you should start to sell some products. You can the change your marketing strategies to suit the pages that most people are visiting on your website.

You can make money from bum marketing if you are able to write, but if you cannot, then the way how to overcome that is to have them ghost written or to have a friend check the article over for you.

How to Make Money From Bum Marketing was originally published at http://www.affiliatemarketinglife.com

Article Marketing 101 for Businesses

Article marketing is one of the most effective forms of online advertising. The term speaks for itself. It is basically combining marketing with articles. An article packed with tons of useful information would be well read by lots of people, and possibly your potential customers. It also presents you, the face behind the article as an expert with credibility in the topic of the article. Business owners who have not been using article marketing to promote their businesses are missing out on sales and business growth.

What goes into article marketing that makes it such a powerful marketing technique?

We will have a walkthrough on the entire process of article marketing so that by the end of it, you have the necessary knowledge to employ this for your business.

An article should ideally be at least 400 words long. Search engines used to love articles that have 300-word length, but it appears to have changed its taste. Once you know what topic you are writing about, decide on the outline of articles. The strategy is to single out a main subject such as a vacation in Hawaii, and then develop sub-topics such as how to find the cheapest airfare and accommodation and the fun activities you can do there. With an outline, you can then elaborate more on each sub-topic to develop the content. Stay on topic and do not venture to other unrelated stuff. Sprinkle the relevant keywords 5 or 6 times throughout the article.

The one most important thing to do in article marketing is to include the resource box or author box at the end of your article. This resource box allows you to introduce yourself and your business. You are also given the opportunity to list your website link. Readers who read your article will find the link and follow it to your website. This is how it drives traffic and visitors to your website.

Do not worry if you do not write well. You can still use article marketing as your promotion strategy. There are always ghostwriters who are willing to write quality articles for low fees. $5 an article is reasonable. Check out Scriptlance, Elance and RentaCoder etc.

Once you are done with article writing, you are halfway in your article marketing process. You need to now submit your article to article directories. There are hundreds to thousands of article directories that would accept your article for free such as EzineArticles, SearchWarp and GoArticles to name a few. Of course there are some that requires payment as well. But submitting to these free ones is good enough for your article marketing efforts. But make sure that you submit to at least 100 200 of them for maximum exposure.

As you do that, something is happening behind the scene. Readers looking for information either at the directories or search engines will find your articles. If the articles are well written, informative and entertaining, they would be enticed to click on the resource box link to your website. So, you now have targeted visitors at your website, and there is a probability that the visitors would become your customers.

Your articles may be selected by online or printed publications or press release companies for publishing. Your article marketing initiative would be richly rewarded when readers of these companies get to see your products and services.

Another advantage of article marketing is that many websites in the same or similar niche as yours are hungry for content. The webmasters would prowl the article directories for new fresh content and when they pick up your articles for publishing on their websites. Your business can enjoy much better visibility since you get a big pie of their traffic. Targeted traffic is it.

I forgot to mention about two big pluses of article marketing. While your articles get read, simultaneously, your website is linked from article directories and websites. The links are all one-way backlinks, the most valuable in the eyes of search engines. Some of these sites have high Google PageRank and therefore would transfer some of that to your website. In short, you are ahead of those who are paying through their nose for high PR link partners. You get them free and rank in the search engines higher and faster. Again, more traffic is on the way.

Search engine spiders hang out at article directories and would find your website link and index them quickly, sometimes within the same day. Being indexed can take weeks or even months but you have shortcut that using article marketing.

That is it. The essence of article marketing wrapped in a few hundred words. Give it a go and enjoy the benefits and profit potential article marketing can do for your website.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Discover more about article marketing and read reviews of top article submission software such as Article Post Robot, Instant Article Submitter etc and find out how these tools can drive instant and continuous traffic to your website at http://Article-Submission-Software.blogspot.com.

Free Internet Marketing Classes - How To Quickly Become an Internet Marketing Expert

Free Internet marketing classes I thought was a pipe dream, why would anyone share their knowledge with total strangers? So I bought e-books, I joined programs, I bought leads, I did what 99% of people before and after me have done, and unfortunately will continue to do, and which for the most part will be totally in vane. You know I keep hearing that up to 98% of what is offered as online income opportunities are scams, schemes and ripoffs and I must say, after almost 8 years at this I must agree. So how does the average person find a legitimate online business and discover how to become an Internet Marketing expert?

A few years back I was fortunate enough to meet a group of Internet marketing experts that were willing to share their knowledge and expertise with me. I started to realize you don't need to spend money on programs that require a monthly autoship to succeed online. These free Internet marketing classes that I attended taught me that most of the tools that are needed to learn how to become an Internet Marketing expert are free, you just have to know where to look for them.

I was so fortunate to have this knowledge because it started to open many doors of opportunity for me that I never thought I would have. I am and will remain forever grateful to those special individuals for their unselfish and giving attitudes, that are what has made me the success I am today. True success takes effort, commitment and a never give up attitude.

Roxanne Jenkins is an Internet Marketing Consultant. She writes on a wide variety of topics that interest her.
Discover How You Can Become An Internet Marketing Expert! - Register Today - Lessons Are 100% Free - Step By Step Instructions Provided

Feel free to use this article in your blogs, newsletters or websites but please leave the resource box and links in place.

Squidoo Marketing Strategies - What On Earth is Squidoo?

Seth Godin developed Squidoo because he was dissatisfied with the quality of information often provided by search engines. He wanted to create a space (a lens) where internet marketers could provide in-depth information about a topic, program or area of interest.

He set up Squidoo so that internet marketers could create a lens that had a number of modules that brought together information from other sources such as Article Directories, YouTube, Flickr, Amazon.com, EBay and other websites and blogs. He wanted to integrate RSS feeds as well.

Each Squidoo lens represents an in-depth focus or window on a topic. People have created lenses on affiliate programs, products, services, singers, hobbies, sports, personal development, entertainment, parenting, pets and charities. The topic of your lens is only limited by your interest and imagination.

Squidoo lenses are very easy to develop and you can develop a lens (in-depth, focused web page) on any topic. You can have as many lenses as you like. It is a chance to be highly creative, have fun, brand yourself and your expertise and generate traffic to your website or blog.

The growth of Squidoo

Squidoo started in October 2005 and now has over 100,000 lenses and Squidoo.com has a Google ranking of 7. The Alexa ranking of Squidoo is 747 at the time of writing (up 424 places in 3 months).

Leading internet marketers like Joel Comm have recognised the value of Squidoo by creating their own Squidoo lenses to promote their e-books, programs and resources on specific topics such as Google Adsense.

Squidoo has now reached a critical mass and is beginning to grow exponentially as the established lensmasters promote the program and others write books and articles about its benefits. Many people wished they had got in early on YouTube or MySpace. However, the opportunity to get in on the ground of an accelerating trend has come around again with the advent of Squidoo.

The Squidoo Opportunity

Squidoo provides the opportunity to establish yourself as an expert and to create traffic and income to your website or blog. Ironically, Google ranks Squidoo lenses very highly and even more highly than blogs. I have a Squidoo lens that was ranked in the top ten results for my keyword within two weeks.

Google will continue to value Squidoo lenses because they give the community the results they are looking for when they use a search engine. NOW is the time to act and grab your share of the very valuable Squidoo internet real estate.

This article is written by Ron Passfield, PhD, affiliate marketing coach, and author of the Squidoo Marketing Strategies e-Book: http://www.squidoomarketingstrategies.com

Get your fr^e 7 day email course on how to create and market your Squidoo lens:Squidoo e-course

View Rons Squidoo lens, affiliate marketing coach, at: http://www.squidoo.com/affiliatemarketingcoach

Article Submission Sites That Can Destroy Your Business

Using the right article submission sites can make the difference between success and failure of your business. Particularly if you are like me and use article marketing for the bulk of your marketing efforts. In this case, it is probably the single most important factor in achieving success.

Using my website stat counter, I check my article statistics on a regular basis. I want to know which article submission sites are sending me traffic and which ones are not. After I add a new directory to my list, I check my statistics very thoroughly. If the new site is not sending me traffic after a month, I delete them from my list.

This is extremely important. Early in my article marketing career, I did not check my statistics. And, in a number of cases, I got little or no traffic from many of these sites. However, because I was not aware, I continued to submit to these non-performing article submission sites.

I was very fortunate that I began to check my stats when I did. Initially, I submitted to 150 article submission sites on a daily basis. As you can imagine, it was very time consuming, even though I was using submission software. After I began to check my statistics, I was able to delete 90 article submission sites from my daily list with no loss of business.

90 sites are an awful lot. What about the people who submitted to just 40 or 50 of those non-performing sites and no others? I suppose that those are the people who say that article marketing does not work. To ensure the success of your Internet business, make sure that you regularly check your site statistics. Make sure that you are getting traffic from your each of your article submission sites.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed a Free Internet marketing book entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

Free ebook - Make Money Every Day

Great Article Submission Sites

Article Submission Software

Article Marketing - What's The Best Formula For Massive Traffic?

There are many schools of thoughts as far as article marketing (generating traffic through the distribution of articles) is concerned. Some say it is better to post 200 articles on one directory while others say it is better to post one article in 200 article directories. This should help you decide which is best for you...

If you write very easily, it will be a wise idea to keep writing and submitting to just one very good article directory. You'll get a lot of benefits from your core skill -- writing.

However, if you can afford it or have someone who can help you out, you can submit to a few more select directories. If you have enough resources, you can push the envelope and post to as many as make sense.

But bear in mind the fact that if you choose to post in so many article directories, you may end up being your own worst enemy. Webmasters will not like to pick an article that is already on 200 other pages. I guess that's common sense.

So here's what will make it work for you: Do unique rewrites of each of those articles. By unique rewrites we are just talking about making them search engine unique.

All you have to do is alter up to three words or phrase per sentence. The key is to make sure that you don't have continuous strings of 8-10 words. Copyscape will easily pick those as duplicate content. But if you break the sequence with new synonyms and phrases, you'll do just fine.

That's more work I guess. But then you choose what's best for you. Posting on just one or on so many. And did I mention that there are tools and strategies that will help you do more of this with less effort?

Will you like to get such unfair advantage as far as your traffic is concerned? Join us to make your traffic generation a lot more fruitful.

Learn how to get massive traffic (100,000 visitors monthly within 12 months). Subscribe to my newsletter.

Chimezirim Odimba writes to help hardworking folks succeed online.

Almost Criminal Technique To Build Your List Using Free Advertising

For most people that are starting an internet business they are very limited with their advertising budget. There are free advertising sources that you can use.

I have tested these free advertising sources with varying results of success. The first one and probably the easiest is forum marketing. Based on my own personal testing I found that about fifty percent of people would remove themselves from my newsletter. The second was web 2 advertising like articles on Digg. However, I found it extremely difficult to get this traffic to actually convert. The only method that I found to convert leads into customers consistently was article marketing.

I promote my internet business using the following method of article marketing.

Choose a niche market to focus the articles that you are writing for. Create an attention grabbing headline first. Write the introduction and conclusion next. Brain storm ideas for the body encapsulating each idea in a bullet point. It is very important that you share a slice of your expertise. Make sure that you help your reader. If you do this correctly then they will want to subscribe to your newsletter and learn more.

In the resource box you can offer a free report for download from your squeeze page. When your reader actually clicks on the resource box they will go to your squeeze page. You need to ensure that the squeeze page submits the name and email details to your autoresponder. I suggest that you use a professional service like Getresponse.

Finally, you will have a series of opt in emails that will follow up with your prospects, build a relationship and sell them products.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - How to Create Your Own Article Writing and Article Submission Strategy

Do not let your worry that you are not a professional writer prevent you from using article marketing, one of the most reliable ways of increasing web site traffic.

You are not writing articles to be graded on like a college exam, you are looking to learn to implement an article submission strategy to start creating profits online.

Here are 7 steps to get you started article marketing:

  1. Select your target market category, choose a topic, create your title, and write your article content, and an effective resource box with anchor or text links to your website
  2. Provide good quality, highly relevant content and you'll be helping the search engines, and in turn, you'll gain legitimate back links, your readers will be able to easily find you, and you'll be able to maintain a long term presence online.
  3. Create a call to action in your article that will encourage article readers to click on the link in your bio or resource box that will take them to your desired web page
  4. Create separate web pages for each key word phrase and optimize that page for that specific keyword - use a content or squeeze page with an autoresponder opt in form.
  5. Submit all your articles to a short list (5-6) of high ranked (PR 5-7) article directory sites to get immediate indexing by search engines. I recommend doing this step daily, or at least weekly. Remember search engines like to see regular updating.
  6. Submit selected articles to a long list of 100 -150 (PR 2-5) article directory sites to generate back links over a period of time. I recommend doing this at least monthly
  7. Test various approaches and directories and carefully document what you do and the results you get. Learn to use your autoresponder to track your results by creating separate web forms for each of your traffic sources or article directories.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new e-book, a guide to creating profits online successfully - "How to Breathe Life into Your On-Line Business"

- Download it here - Free: Learn How Article Marketing Starts You Creating Profits Online

Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your sagging profits online again? Discover the Art of Creating Profits OnLine with Article Submission Strategy

Leo Hanes is full time internet marketer, writing and publishing over 100 articles and four books primarily focused on the core principles of creating profits online.