Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Article Marketing - What's The Best Formula For Massive Traffic?

There are many schools of thoughts as far as article marketing (generating traffic through the distribution of articles) is concerned. Some say it is better to post 200 articles on one directory while others say it is better to post one article in 200 article directories. This should help you decide which is best for you...

If you write very easily, it will be a wise idea to keep writing and submitting to just one very good article directory. You'll get a lot of benefits from your core skill -- writing.

However, if you can afford it or have someone who can help you out, you can submit to a few more select directories. If you have enough resources, you can push the envelope and post to as many as make sense.

But bear in mind the fact that if you choose to post in so many article directories, you may end up being your own worst enemy. Webmasters will not like to pick an article that is already on 200 other pages. I guess that's common sense.

So here's what will make it work for you: Do unique rewrites of each of those articles. By unique rewrites we are just talking about making them search engine unique.

All you have to do is alter up to three words or phrase per sentence. The key is to make sure that you don't have continuous strings of 8-10 words. Copyscape will easily pick those as duplicate content. But if you break the sequence with new synonyms and phrases, you'll do just fine.

That's more work I guess. But then you choose what's best for you. Posting on just one or on so many. And did I mention that there are tools and strategies that will help you do more of this with less effort?

Will you like to get such unfair advantage as far as your traffic is concerned? Join us to make your traffic generation a lot more fruitful.

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Chimezirim Odimba writes to help hardworking folks succeed online.


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