Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Secret to Article Success

I am frequently asked what's the one secret to achieving success in marketing articles for income. In a word... Write. In another word... Submit. That's pretty much it. Of course there are some details that you need along the way: a proper Resource Box, a great title, and a few other details. But, for the mot part, you need to write and submit.

On days when I'm very busy, I'll write just one or two articles and I'll submit them to my entire list of article submission sites, about 150. On days when I have more time, I write four to five articles and submit to a list of about forty sites. On my best days, I'll crank out ten or more articles and submit them to my top 10 sites. I'd like to submit them to more sites, but I just don't have the time.

It takes two or three hours to submit an article to my large 150 site list. I can make a submission to my 50 site list in about an hour. And I can submit an article to the short 10 site list in about ten or twelve minutes.

By submitting an article to 50 sites, you can expect to get between 100 and 200 links over a six-month period. I'm quite happy with that. That's one of the reasons that I continue to write articles. The other reason is that I'm rather fond of money. That part's not too bad either.

Most of the time, the people that ask me about the secret of success are what I call casual writers. They've written five or ten articles and submitted each one to one or two sites. They can't believe it but, they didn't make any money and they've seen no increased traffic. In their mind, article marketing doesn't work.

To be really successful writing articles, I'm talking about 6 figure successful, you need to write about 1000 articles per year. That's three a day, every day!

For those of you who are into proverbs, I run my article business according to an old saying: "Work for a while like nobody will, live the rest of your life like nobody can!" So get to work, write a few articles!

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Avoid Keyword Stuffing When Writing Your Articles - Article Marketing Strategy

Many people are familiar with article marketing and realize that it is necessary to theme each article on a particular longtail keyword phrase. Once you are proficient at doing this, you can pull a steady stream of traffic into your website. Is it possible, however, that you are overdoing this particular method?

One of the things that you do not want to do in your article marketing efforts is to stuff your articles with keywords. Not only will you have a difficult time in getting them accepted into EzineArticles.com, you may actually not rank as well on Google. This is because the search engines have filters in place to recognize when you are trying to rank for one particular keyword phrase. They would, in turn, not give you the benefit of ranking for that phrase.

This has especially become the case since latent semantic indexing, or LSI has come onto the scene. In a nutshell, this is a method that the search engines use in order to find out what your particular website theme is by using related keywords. That is why it is often better to write your articles in a natural fashion and only include your keyword phrase whenever it fits in well.

Once you realize that you can write the articles in a more natural fashion, they actually become easier to complete. Many people struggle to fit in their keyword phrase a particular number of times during their article marketing efforts. Relax your writing a little and you will find that the traffic will begin to flow a little heavier.

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Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Challenging Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is perhaps the easiest yet most powerful traffic-generating and marketing tool in this day and age. Millions of marketers and bloggers are using this technique not only to drive quality traffic to their websites but also to establish their knowledge and expertise on their chosen niche.

Here are the 4 challenging secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Get the attention of online users - at all cost. By this, I mean be desperate for attention. You need to get more people to read your articles to increase their chances of being read and republished to effectively augment your quality inbound links. You can easily do this by using powerful and attention-grabbing titles that are direct to the point, keyword-rich, short, and communicate the benefits that your articles can offer.

2. Deliver new information. Steer clear from re-writing existing articles online and research for new topics that will interest your potential audience. Strive to give them something fresh or information that are seldom discussed on the web. This will add more value to your content that will boost your expert status online.

3. Write simply. If you want to easily create a name online, you need to make sure that you write to inform your readers and not to impress them. Forget your love for big words and strive to make it simple and easier for your readers to get the points you are trying to get across. Stick with simple terms and easy to understand writing format.

4. Take advantage of major article submission sites. Your goal in publishing your articles online is to give them enough exposure to effectively reach your target market. That is why, it is important that you carefully choose the publishing sites where you will post your articles. Stick with those which have great page ranking and steady traffic and don't waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 3 Marvelous Ways to Jump Start Your Article Marketing

Though there are numerous traffic-generating tools that have been introduced over the last couple of years, article marketing remains to be the best method in driving quality, organic traffic to a particular website. This is the reason why webmasters are making this technique their primary marketing tool to augment the number of their visitors and improve their page ranking on major search engines.

One of the elements that can greatly help article marketer to succeed in this method is identifying the ways and avenues where they can have their articles published and possibly re-distributed. Because contrary to popular beliefs, articles can be submitted to other websites aside from articles submission sites like EzineArticles.com.

Here are the 3 other ways on how you can market your articles in the world wide web:

1. Create ebook using your articles. There is a huge demand for ebooks these days and you can meet this need by compiling all your articles to create an informative, compelling ebook. You can use this as a giveaway to convince people to join your email marketing list or as viral marketing tool. Let your recipients know that they can share the ebook to their friends and family members for free!

2. Convert your articles to email marketing content. Though autoresponders, you can send useful, informative articles to your client base to either inform them or persuade them to support your products and services.

3. Post your articles on your website. This will not only make your website a great source of information, but it will also make your site search-engine friendly. Just imagine the amount of traffic you can drive to your site when online users search for keywords that you have on your website content.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Testing And Tracking For Article Marketing Success

This particular area of article marketing has probably had more to do with my success in article marketing than anything else that I have done. I am a particular avid tester, and by testing I was actually able to create two article marketing methodologies.

I created different tracking pages for different sets of article directories, and ranked each of these sets of article directories according to the amount of traffic they brought me. Using the process of elimination, I was able to quite quickly determine which web sites were good for generating direct traffic from my articles, and which web sites were best for creating long term inbound links. I have also used my tracking techniques to determine which article marketing submission and distribution services were most effective. This actually spurred me to drop some of the article submission and distribution services I was using at one time, in favor of doing more of the work myself, and outsourcing to an individual rather than a firm, the submission of my articles.

There are two primary tracking methods I employ, and I will attempt to go through these in as detailed a fashion as possible, as I personally believe this is one of the most important aspects of your web business.

You see, in most of the web marketing you do, you will find that on average, your long term results are not necessarily positive, in aggregate. But if you isolate the productive portions of your strategy, and drop the ones that are pulling you down, you can often create profits or results, even when initial results are ho-hum.

Here are the two article marketing methodologies:

1) Write lots of articles and submit to a short list of special article directories for immediate traffic

2) Write a small number of articles and submit to a long lost of various article directories for long term search engine traffic.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Marketing Strategy - Waves of Quality Targeted Traffic From Article Marketing

There is a marketing strategy that allows you to get quality targeted traffic to your website and it is easy. You can use this marketing strategy to make money with Google adsense ads, affiliate products, or your own product. The best part is that it is easy and free. Read on to discover more about this great marketing strategy.

If you want quality targeted traffic, then you need to start article marketing. Article marketing is one of the free staples to website traffic that is always going to be targeted. There are some internet marketers that make their entire living from article marketing. Imagine waking up in the morning, or afternoon if you prefer, writing 5 to 10 articles, submitting them to top article directories, and when you are done, doing whatever you want with the rest of your day.

This is a reality for some people and these people are the ones that are using article marketing to get their targeted traffic. Read on to find out the basics of article marketing.

Basically you will need to have a subject in mind and a few affiliate product websites or Google AdSense websites to promote with your articles. Then, you need to brainstorm a list of possible article titles. The longer the list is the better because you will have more choices to write about. Last, you need to research and start writing your articles. Submit them one by one to the top article directories, then take one out of every ten or so and submit them all over the web to as many free article directories as you can find.

Article marketing is easy and is one of the top free marketing strategies. You can use article marketing to create a flood of quality targeted traffic to your website, blog, Google AdSense sites, or affiliate product sites.

Start turning a profit today with article marketing. Discover all the secrets of this top marketing strategy and create waves of quality targeted traffic to your website. Get the Secrets to article marketing here:


Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 7 Ways to Make Money with Article Marketing

Article marketing continues to dominate the World Wide Web. With its proven power, it's definitely here to stay.

1. Strive to produce high-quality articles. They must not only be content-rich but they must also be well-written to give your potential audience great reading experience.

2. Attention-grabbing titles do make wonders. Give your articles headlines that are not only descriptive of what the whole content is all about, but also compelling. Don't settle for mediocrity when writing your titles because they are your powerful tools in getting online users to read your articles.

3. Make your articles publisher-friendly. They must conform to the standards set by various publishing sites so they can easily be posted online.

4. Keep your articles short. Based on researches, articles that run between 300-500 words are well-read and highly visited. You can easily shorten your articles by eliminating fillers on your content and using active voice instead of passive voice. It would also help if you present your information upfront without using too much introductions.

5. Your articles must be search engine-friendly. Aside from your potential clients and publishers, you must also know how to please the search engines so they will index your articles. Getting your way around keywords, keyword density, title and meta tags, and anchor texts will usually do the trick.

6. Make your articles interesting to read. Sharing of information doesn't have to be textbook-like. Make it more enjoyable by writing in a conversational tone and inserting humorous texts whenever appropriate.

7. Write and submit articles on a regular basis. To strengthen your online presence, you must be willing to produce and post more articles online. The more articles you create, the more inbound links you will obtain for your website.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.