Wednesday, May 7, 2008

MSN Writing - Here's A Simple Way To Escape Career Boredom

Now let us look at the typical internet marketer. Usually if they are using ppc to drive traffic to their web site then they will have the headache of tracking and monitoring their campaigns to make sure that they are profitable. Similarly if they are using another form of paid advertising like ezine advertising they have to follow a similar process.

Now let us look at the way these article directories work. They have advertising on the web sites and they allow publishers to submit their articles. If the article is of significant quality it will get approved and in return the writer of the article will get good search engine rankings on search engines like MSN because the article directories have very high page rank.

Also there is a viral component. When publishers look for valuable content to publish on their web site they get this from the article directories. This saves them from the time required writing the articles. So this creates many different sources from which you will get traffic from. In your article you are allowed to put your bio which is your unique selling proposition and a link to your web site.

Now this is where you monetize your web site. When a visitor visits your web site you capture their name and email address and market to them over and over again. This can be a product that you create or a wholesale product that you drop ship.

If you do this process of writing articles consistently and writing articles for MSN and other search engines you can become very wealthy over a long period of time. You may seriously want to start considering this as an alternative career if you have an entrepreneurial mindset.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new ebook.

Secrets To Make Money Online - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Why Article Marketing Works so Well For Creating Profits Online

So many people look at article marketing as just a traffic source. And it is a traffic source. But it is so much more. You see, with most traffic sources, the impact of the traffic source ends once the traffic is delivered.

But with article marketing, the traffic source continues creating credibility long after the initial traffic is delivered.

In my case, with 1000's of live articles online, someone may join my list, and later decide they want more information about something online, then they go to read some of my other articles. The advantage to this is increased credibility, and that helps me generate more sales in the long run, as my subscribers continue to look to me for advice, knowing they can get it either directly from me or by reading more of my articles online.

This creates long term credibility online, which of course is what I am looking for.

Also, with article marketing, once I publish an article, I may get several visitors from that article the first month, much as any other traffic source would provide. But I will also get traffic the second month and the 3rd month and so on. I continue to get traffic from articles I submitted over a year ago - which means I am getting much more traffic than if I had paid for traffic one time up front.

These are just two of the reasons I favor article marketing over other traffic sources.

The bottom line is that article marketing is good for so much more than just traffic, but it helps me to build long term relationships online, hence increasing long term visitor value and profits.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1565 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Secrets - How to Market Your Articles in Your Own Blog

One of the best ways to market and repurpose your articles is to use them in your blog(s). Here are three ways I use regularly to market and repupose my articles that will work for you all day, everyday.

3 Ways to Blog with Your Articles

1. Parts of articles - Because blog articles are intended to be shorter than the average article, you can start an one in your blog and finish it somewhere else. Create a post using the first few sentences of your article, and then create a link for the reader to click to read the rest. This link can take them to another page in your blog or to your web site.

2. Article Series - You can post a series on the same theme or topic or challenge. You can create a nice following with your readers as they look forward to returning to read the next article in the series. You can build the anticipation a bit at the end of each installment by letting the reader know what is coming in the next one.

3. Break up the article - Tips articles are great for breaking up your writing into different posts. For example, in this article I'm giving you three tips for repurposing your articles in your blog. I could very easily, and probably will, take each one of these tips and create a post with it. At the end of each post, I will give the reader a very brief preview of what to expect in the next post, again to build the anticipation.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Article Marketing - The $5,000 per Month Article Marketing Blueprint

Writing articles but just not making the income you desire? This article is written especially for you. I'll show you how to create a nice 4-figure income just by writing articles on the Internet. Chances are, if you aren't making the income you want, you are missing some "links" along the way.

So here's how to dump massive paychecks into your bank account with article marketing:

Step 1 - Find 5 Niches

Instead of just going all out in one niche, go after 5 niches to really explode your income! Some niches you might want to take a look at include digital photography, weight loss, bodybuilding, parenting and dating. These niches are some of the hottest niches at the moment. Choose 5 niches which you will be concentrating your article marketing efforts on.

Step 2 - Find 5 Affiliate Products

You'll be finding 5 affiliate products to promote in your 5 niches. The best kinds of products are digital products because of the high commissions. Go to Clickbank, search for your niches and choose your products. You'd want to choose products with a high Gravity level, which means many affiliates have been selling the product well.

Step 3 - Write 5 Articles A Day

Write 5 articles a day, 1 article per niche. It's not difficult once you're accustomed to it. I regularly take 15 minutes to write an article! You might take an hour to write one article at first, but with practice, you'll eventually get faster and faster. Soon, you might feel the urge to churn out as many as 10 articles a day because you know they are bringing you money. If you write 5 articles a day, you'll have 150 articles in a month's time and 1,800 articles in a year. Will that bring you a lot of money? You bet it will!

Remember to add your affiliate link to your resource box to grab those sales! Submit your articles to the most popular article directories like Ezine Articles. And remember to buy your own domains to forward to your affiliate link since most article directories don't accept raw affiliate links.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - The Second Step to a Prospect-Pulling Resource Box at the End of Your Articles

Article marketing on the article directories is a two fold process. In the body of the article you give - good, useable information. In the resource box you are ready to receive - the readers clicking through to your web site to become visitors, subscribers, prospects and customers.

Many people falsely believe that the resource box is the place to tell the reader all about you and your many accomplishments so they will know you are the expert.

To this notion I offer a loud and hearty NAY!

The first reason I say NAY! is because if you have not demonstrated in the article body that you are an expert, it is way too late to try to do so in the resource box, and the reader probably did not get as far as your resource box anyway.

The second reason I say NAY! is because the resource box is Not About You, hence the strongly spoken word NAY!

An invitation for THEM!

Your resource box is not the place for a virtual ego wall to tell the reader all about your accomplishments, books, and degrees, etc. In most of mine, if I mention my name at all, it is only at the very end of the resource box.

Your resource box is all about the reader and what more they can learn from you and your resources. The purpose of your resource box is to invite the reader into your world by clicking through to your web site or blog and offering them something of value that will improve their lives. Offer them something of value and you can get a very loyal and responsive new prospect.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

How to Use Article Marketing to Build Credibility

One of the great uses of article marketing is that of creating credibility. You see, when you write articles and submit them to multiple article directories online, they not only are posted on the article directories themselves, but are also posted on the many niche web sites that use articles as content.

Ask yourself this: if you were thinking about hiring one of two people to do work for you, or to learn from, and you were to google their name, and one of the people showed over 10,000 results, mostly articles and reviews about that person, and the other person showed less than 100 references to their name or site, which would you feel is more credible?

If you are like me, you probably would rather work with the person who has over 10,000 web sites referencing him or her, than work with the person with less than 100.

One of the great things about article marketing is that it can very quickly build up massive numbers of links and references to you and your web site, giving you the quick advantage of perceived credibility.

So how do you do it?

Here is my 3 step plan for building credibility online:

1) Write articles on your niche topic

2) Put links in your articles that go back to your web site

3) Submit the articles to as many article directories as possible (I currently submit my articles to a list of about 150 article directories).

By following this 3 step system, you will very quickly gain credibility online, and position yourself to receive some of the business your competitors are currently receiving.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Barriers To Success With Article Marketing - Unlock The Secrets To Overcome Writer's Block

Article marketing is a really good way to market your internet business primarily because it is free. This means that whatever profit you make will be a hundred percent complete profit.

If you look at most of the other methods of advertising you need to pay for your adverts. Consequently at the end of the day after paying your advertising expenses your business may not be that profitable.

However, the biggest challenge faced with article marketing is that you need to get a significant amount of articles out there to succeed online. If you only writing one a day this is not nearly enough to succeed with this method.

Once you start doing 5 to ten articles every day. the biggest challenge you will experience is writer's block. There will be days when you just don't feel like writing and this can become a major problem for your business.

I would like to address one of the best ways that you can overcome this process that may seriously undermine the success of your business.

Make sure that you track and organize all your ideas electronically. Often you may be busy with one idea and you will get a bright spark. Later on you may not remember that. When you are busy writing more articles you may run out of ideas and you will have a ready database of material that you can use.

Some times you will really not feel like writing. Go to gym or do some other activity that will take your mind off it. When you come back you will feel refreshed and ready to start again. If you are in a quiet area put the television on. If you are in a noisy area for example the stereo may be on then turn it off. This alternative state will help to get your creative juices flowing again.

One final point is that when you first start writing it will be difficult. The more practise that you get the easier it will become and this method will build a stable foundation for your business as it is the most reliable traffic generation method.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.