Sunday, September 21, 2008

Article Marketing - Self Promotion is Valuable Content

The first time someone told me I should write articles and post them for FREE, I nearly died of shock and shame. Aren't my articles worth money?

Of course they are!

Articles you market yourself with are ADS you do NOT have to pay for? How can that be?

What else would they be?

* You show your readers your expertise with informative content you create.

* You share your information in a way that leaves them searching for more (at your website).

* You give your reader a reason to visit your website.

* You share links and content.

* You take up real estate online and offer something of value.

IS marketing yourself a valuable and cost effective project? OF course it is.

How much better it is to prove your ability through content provision with your own bio at the bottom than an ad you pay someone to create for you, and pay to post? Can you imagine a more feasible manner of marketing your business than to give your reader a sample of what you do in content format that magnetically attracts targeted traffic your way?

Most articles I write are viewed at least 20 times a week, and reposted at least 10 times. I don't have a clue how many time's they're viewed on other sites. But my lists are steadily growing, which says they're popular.

Writing is what I do to earn my living. I have to promote myself. I'd rather do it with my own copy than to pay someone else to do it for me. Promotion is income!

Are you ready to Advertize your business?

Get two free Article Marketing Templates at http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and learn to market your own work online.

2007 - Jan Verhoeff


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