Saturday, June 7, 2008

Article Marketing - How You Can Massively Increase the Effectiveness of Your Articles

Article Marketing is something that thousands of people do to drive traffic to their websites. It's no secret that a well written article can be thought provoking enough for readers to want to know more about either you or your services. So, what do they do? They click on your link in your resource box. But are you making effective use of understanding the conversion rates for the clicks that you get?

From my own perspective, my main interests are in motivation, wealth creation and self defense. These are the subjects that I write about most often. However, I am departing from that here because I have discovered something that I think will be of benefit to all article writers.

I don't write about things like "the best sexual positions" or "cell phone number spying" or "how to increase your penis size" or "how to shave your pubic hair" or "how to tell if your spouse is cheating on you" or any other such subjects that get tens of thousands of hits. Why? Quite simply I don't have a website on any of those things that could take advantage of the traffic it would bring.

Now here is something that you will probably find interesting...

I have over 250 articles all over the web in hundreds of "far-flung" places and in many different languages. This number of articles will show significant trends when viewed in terms of statistical anaysis.

I know which articles are "ball-bursters" and which are complete flops. So, what does that tell me? Write more articles (in my domains of knowledge and interest) that are popular - obviously! What is the point of writing articles that nobody else wants to read? Now here comes the interesting bit...

By analyzing the results of these articles I am able to see which ones are giving me the most click-throughs to my websites. Time for a little mathematics...

If I have 1,395 click-throughs from 170,424 views of my articles then my conversion rate is 0.82%. That tells me that for every thousand people who read my articles only 8 will be interested enough to go to one of my websites. Pretty horrendous huh? Then again, there are millions of articles on the web and people's time is at a premium. A reader has to be REALLY interested to make that click.

So, if I have some articles - which I do - that are returning the following statistics, what does that tell me?

  • 8 from 23 ( conversion rate 34.8%)
  • 400 from 2,667 (15%)
  • 28 from 154 (18%)
  • 191 from 1736 (11%)
  • 23 from 81 (28%)
That tells me that these particular articles SMASH my average. Hmm. So, what else does that tell me? Here is what I think...

  1. - The headline REALLY worked because it attracted attention
  2. - The article summary/teaser REALLY worked because it made people curious
  3. - The copy (article body) REALLY worked because it contained good information
  4. - The resource box REALLY worked because people wanted to know more.

So, now, what do you think I should do?

  1. - Write more headlines like that
  2. - Write more summaries/teasers like that
  3. - Write more articles like that
  4. - Write more resource boxes like that

The other thing - which I have not yet analysed in depth - is that the keywords REALLY worked. I need to look at that more.

So what is my point is this?

Watch what your statistics are telling you. Once you get the "formula" correct then all it requires is for you to stick with it and you will see a LOT more click-throughs to your websites than you thought was possible. I may have more to say on this later. Stay tuned...

This has been a "Public Service Announcement" from me to you purely for your benefit because I don't have an Article Marketing website. But if you want to know how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then click HERE

Article Resource Bio - How To Write It Effectivley To Produce More Traffic

Article marketing is a free strategy that webmasters can use to generate free website traffic. It is an effective form of website promotion that works by submitting unique and informative articles to high traffic article directories as well as those with a high search engine page rank. These articles are available for free download for use on websites and ezines on the stipulation that the writer's article resource bio remains intact. Internet marketing articles can not only get free traffic to your website through direct visits from the article itself, they can help to raise your search engine results page rank by increasing relevant one-way links to your site.

The success of your resource information in article marketing hinges on the quality of the article itself. Not only does an article need to be well written and engaging, it must offer information that gives value to your target audience. The topic should relate to your website theme, otherwise your traffic will not be targeted and therefore of little value to you. The content gives you the opportunity to establish your credentials as an expert in your field and to gain reader trust.

Your resource bio in article marketing is really your payment for submitting the article. You provide a free article that people can use and in return your business is marketed through the bio that remains intact. It is therefore very important to use your resource box effectively.

The basic information your resource box should include is your name (and title if applicable), your website address with a valid URL (make sure it is a live link), your marketing pitch or unique selling proposition, and your call to action. It is not a good idea to a number of different calls to action in a given resource box. Keep it simple. Your call to action might be to visit your website, download a free e-book, or subscribe to a newsletter.

Another important consideration in compiling your resource bio is to use anchor text in your URL that is related to one keyword or keyword phrase that you want to use for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes. For example, if you run a website which is focused on debt consolidation you can enhance search engine relevance for the term 'debt consolidation' by linking the term in your resource box to your website.

As with your article, your resource information should have clearly stated benefits for the reader. In other words they will be able to see a personal benefit in clicking on your link. It is also important to keep your article resource bio to a reasonable size. It shouldn't be too big. Chris Knight of Ezine Articles suggests that it should be no more than twenty percent of the total size of the article.

Your article resource bio is an important aspect of article marketing. After all, the purpose behind article submission to high traffic article directories is to get free traffic to your website. Your resource box is the doorway from your article to your website. If you craft it well on the foundation of an informative and valuable article, your website and business will benefit substantially.

Learn how to promote any product, service or business opportunity using the most powerful Free Web Site Traffic method Article Marketing

Article Marketing - 4 Proven Methods to Amplify Your Article Marketing

It is no secret that article marketing is the most sought-after marketing tool in the internet today. A lot of webmasters are using it because of its proven effectiveness in driving quality traffic to their websites and pulling up their search engine rankings. If you are one of them and would like to get ahead of the pack, these 4 proven methods can help you amplify your article marketing techniques:

1. Create dedicated articles for each product that you promote. If you are selling wide variety of products, you need to promote them through your articles individually. For instance, if you are selling beauty products like toner, make-ups, body scrubs, foot spa, etc. you need to create at least one article for each so you can easily build them up by making your content focused and more specific.

2. Increase your click through rate by using striking titles. Your headlines are the only elements that can help you grab the attention of online uses to get them to read your content. Thus, you can't afford not to make them interesting and enticing.

3. Widely distribute your articles and register with leading article submission sites. There are more than one thousand article submissions sites and directories online but not all of them are created equal. In fact, of them do not even have steady traffic. Do not waste your precious time on these sites and stick to those that have impressive page ranking like ezinearticles and goarticles dot com.

4. Keep your articles short. Do not bore your readers with 1,000-word article. Researches show that the most read articles online are those that run no more than 600 words. Steer clear from using fillers and too much introductions. Be straightforward and offer the information you have upfront. These are the best ways to make your articles brief and concise.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Is Extremely Low Cost Method

Article marketing is an extremely valuable method of getting traffic to your website. If you are not familiar with it, article marketing is basically the process of writing articles and submitting them, along with links back to your website, to article reprint directories on the internet.

Almost everyone who owns their own websites will visit article reprint directories on a semi-regular basis in order to find new content to place upon their sites. When you have the opportunity to submit articles to such directories, you are granting explicit permission for others to employ your writing on their site, for free. The only concession is that the website owners must typically include an "about the author" blurb following every article that they use. This can include your biographical information and perhaps a link back to your website.

When your article gets used on another website, everyone who reads the article sees your author biodata and the links back to your website. A good article may wind up on hundreds of websites, where many people can read it. You can submit your article to different directories.

Article marketing is a great way to send visitors to your website without putting out any money to do it. This can help your company and your website grow. You will become well known and respected by a great number of people in your target range and attract many hits to your site.

The goal of article marketing is to make readers go to an article of yours which is posted on your site. When they arrive there, you have a much greater opportunity to communicate the remainder of your sales pitch. If you really comprehend the working of search engine optimization, you can word your copy so as to achieve a significantly superior level in the listings of search results.

Article marketing is extremely low cost, and in many cases, totally free. When people find what they want and are impressed with what you've written, you become an expert in their minds, which translates to a high level of credibility. Unique articles with unique content also help to increase the traffic to your site.

Copy that is meant to generate more internet traffic to a specific site should have lots and lots of buzzwords. They make the copy more effective, and they affect the article's rating on the most popular search engines. The trick is to choose the proper buzzwords. However, if a site has a lower rating, it really doesn't need as many of those terms.

There are several ways to increase traffic to your website through your articles. One way is by creating articles that include easy links back to your site. Submitting articles to directories and newsletter publishers is also a good idea. Articles that contain unique content are always wanted for online use. Selling your articles for use as E-books can also send a lot of traffic your way.

A new and increasingly popular way to increase traffic to your site is the use of article marketing. This new marketing method involves writing unique articles with content that draws readers using search engines. The content should contain many key words that the web search engine will pick up. This will increase the frequency of your articles coming to the attention of the online readers. The article should also have unique content to draw the readers. It can be filed with one of the article directory services so people can see it easily. Once they click on it, they are one their way to your site.

Write Articles to Promote Your Online Business

Business owners employ all kinds of strategies to get desired results in the highly-competitive world of online marketing. The key is to drive in targeted traffic to your website and then get the visitors converted into customers. For this to happen, you need an appealing website along with competent brand promotion strategies.

Most businesses today are aiming at optimising their websites for encouraging search engine optimisation results. Paid advertising, affiliate marketing and email marketing are some of the other most commonly used techniques by marketers. However, it is imperative to note here that most of these techniques involve the use of money in some or the other way.

Here lies the importance of article writing as a means of promoting a site. Highly effective, inexpensive and easily manageable, this strategy can truly take your business to new heights. The greatest advantage of writing articles is that you get to reach out to a targeted segment that comprises your potential buyers.

Produce good write-ups and then share or post them on online platforms like article directories and e-zines. By doing so, you ensure that your website is well-exposed in the online marketplace. You can get a link back from the directory where you submit your articles, or else, give information about your company in the resource box. Since link exchange strengthens off-page SEO, this tactic will do a world of good for your site.

More than anything else, these articles are free advertising tools for your website. If you write relevant and informative stuff, you are bound to get noticed, and that too by targeted customers who are looking for related topics. However, a writer has to ensure that his write-ups do not have a marketing touch, because many directories refuse to accept such articles.

One of the most effective means of website promotion is marketing through search engines. Writing articles can help you in this regard. Incorporate important keywords and write search engine friendly articles so as to attract search engine spiders and get your site crawled.

Once you have posted articles and shared them on online forums, you will start getting comments, references and testimonials from web users and webmasters. This will stand your site and business in good stead and further get you high-value traffic.

Lalita negi is currently working in epurplemedia an Internet Advertising & Marketing Company specialize in a wide variety of marketing services. It delivers effective solution in Website Promotion, PPC, web site development, email marketing etc to boost traffic to your business.

Article Marketing Vs Traditional Methods Of Internet Advertising

In this article I would like to compare article marketing with other methods of internet advertising. The main reason for this is that traffic is the lifeblood of your internet business. Without traffic you cannot succeed.

Article marketing is my favourite form of generating traffic to my website. The main reason for this is that it is free. So I do not have to spend any money and whatever I money I make it is complete profit.

However, it is wise to always diversify your strategies. If for some reason one of your strategies is not working then you have a few others that will be and generating income for you.

I am a full time internet marketer so running my business is a very serious thing. If it is not generating money then I will not have money to buy food.

Originally I built my business with free advertising like search engines and article marketing. Now I have started marketing using safelists, co-registration, ppc and email marketing.

Each method takes a lot of work to get it to work. You need to track and test everything so that you maximize your earning. However, once you get one method to work you continually do it to grow your business and focus on the next.

This is the plan of action I suggest that you take. Use article marketing as a strong base. It will get you good search engine rankings and build your credibility as an expert in your specific niche market. Also as your articles become viral you will get traffic from many different sources. As you start making money reinvest a large part of those profits that you are making into paid advertising. So that one day if there is a big algorithm change on search engines you will not go out of business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.