Making Money with Your Blog!
Online business has become the main source of income for many people. As such, if you want to enjoy this business, you need to realize the importance of having other people promote your web site. If you only have links within your site that point to nothing else but pages within your web site, then your links are not working as designed. While it is true that you need these links to point to other pages on your site, you still need more links. These links that you need should be coming from other web sites.
It is better if you can get links from sites that have established good traffic. As they say, sometimes you need to nudge shoulders with the powerful so that you would also become powerful. Make sure to get links to and from these well known web sites.
There are so many methods on how you can create links to your site. Here are some:
1. Leave comments on blogs or other sites that have the same interest as yours. Be sure to leave sensible comments.
2. Join forums. Be sure to share your smart opinions on these forums. Of course, you need to add your URL as your signature so that people can get to view your web site.
3. Submit your URL on other social bookmarking sites. This is one way of advertising your web site for free.
So in these manners, you are then building more links to your site so that there would be a lot of doorways to your web site in the Internet. But without you knowing it, while doing these strategies, you are already building online ties. These ties are important when doing online businesses. You need links that will bring forth more ties to your customers as well as other companies who will help you promote your web site.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to link popularity success, 'Secrets of Link Popularity for Online Income'
Download it free here: Link Popularity
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.
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