Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

When designing each page of your site it's important to keep in mind what should be it's primary purpose: To satisfy a visitors need or want when they typed in their keywords or keyword phrases

Not to appease the search engine gods. If you please your visitors you will achieve higher rankings by the search engines. Thinking like a web surfer will guide you in designing and evaluating your pages.

  • Do provide detailed and relevant content. Whether you have an information site or you're selling products. Content is King. Update/add quality pages consistently.

  • Do not repeat keywords over and over in your text or use invisible keywords. Again, service your visitors, don't waste time trying to fool the search engines.

  • Do add testimonials, resource links, site maps, about pages, tell-a-friend links, etc. Make your site add easy to navigate as you can for visitors.

  • Don't use a lot of flashy web design. Animations, java, frames, etc. take up space and most search engines don't rank sites based on it. Also, you do not want to lose

    prospective customers that won't wait for your page to load. It's ok to have some but generally speaking, a professional site that is simple and well organized is the way to go.

  • Do put your keywords in the alt tags of graphics. Some engines still count this information

    towards ranking.

  • Don't spam keywords in your title, meta description or meta keywords tags.

  • Do use specific keywords for each web page. For example, if your page is about bass fishing motor boats. Your page title, meta keyword, and meta description, and well as your body text should include that keyword or related keyword phrases.

    Todd Nickson is an SEO consultant and webmaster with SEOManager Web Marketing: http://www.myseomanager.com

    For more information visit: http://www.myseomanager.com


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