Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Article Marketing - You're Doing It All Wrong

Article marketing can be take a lot of time and effort. If it does, you're doing it all wrong. The best way to write articles is fast and effectively. I will show you how to cut down on the time it is taking you to write articles and be more successful in your online endeavors.

  • Either choose something you know well to write about, or use a piece of software to do the research for you. The amount of time you save on research will be phenomenal and your knowledge will be portrayed in your writing.
  • Solve somebody's problem. Write an article that will help someone out. This will help you build a trusting relationship and possibly sell products later.
  • Use numbers/bullet points. This will help you keep to the point and not to waffle on about something off topic.
  • Set yourself a target. How many articles do you want to write this hour? 7 is a good number. Write down 7 topics and get started straight away.
  • Link to a squeeze page. At the bottom of your article, have a link to your squeeze page. Here you can capture a name and address.
  • Don't obsess over content. Check your spelling and grammar, but don't worry too much about writing a great article. A good one will suffice.
  • If you are finding it hard to put together your article once you've chosen your topic, you can use a piece of software to do it for you. I find this quite a good way to do things when I am unsure of a topic.

Catherine Smith 2007 Copyright

Catherine Smith is a successful entrepreneur and writer. For loads of tips on how to succeed with article marketing check out http://www.article-wizard.info


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